Conquer Nature By Cooperating With It

MycorrPlus TM for Corn

(MycorrPlus is the new name for GroPal Balance)

Application Guidelines


As MycorrPlus-A transforms the soil,
it can help you in the following ways:

  • Increased yields, as much as 10% to 20% or more
  • Higher test weights & protein
  • Larger root mass for improved nutrient uptake
  • Establishment of mycorrhizal fungi networks, which transport phosphorus, moisture and other nutrients back to the roots
  • Better seed germination
  • Increase fertilizer uptake efficiency by keeping nutrients from getting tied up in the soil
  • Help stabilize nitrogen so it doesn’t wick off or leach out
  • Eliminate compaction by highly structuring the soil
  • Help to retain moisture in the soil by highly structuring the soil for better drought tolerance
  • Make the soil less friendly for weeds, resulting in less weed pressure
  • Increase plant health, resulting in increased disease and pest immunity
  • Flush salts from the root zone
  • Increase organic matter year after year, which increases Cation Exchange Capacity
  • Helps to balance pH in the soil
  • Increased Relative Feed Value
  • Greatly multiply earthworms


Entry Level Application:
If you will only be making one application of MycorrPlus, do one of the following:
  • 1 qt./acre of MycorrPlus-A in the row, on the seed or banded over the row.
  • If this is not an option but side-dressing is, side-dress 1 to 2 quarts with or without 28% or 32% nitrogen. Consider decreasing N to 80 to 90 lbs. to grow 200 bushel corn.
  • If you can’t do one of the above methods, broadcast 1 to 2 qts./acre at or before planting.

Secondary Applications to choose from:
  1. If not doing so already, add a pint to a quart to each application of 28% or 32%, then cut back on your N by 30% or more.
  2. Apply a quart MycorrPlus A or O 5 weeks after planting, or apply a foliar of MycorrPlus-F or O-F at or just before tassel.
  3. Apply 1 to 2 qts. the summer, fall, winter before planting to begin the soil transform process.
  4. If applying anhydrous ammonia, wait two or more wks. after applying anhydrous, then apply a qt. MycorrPlus-A to help reverse the negative impact of anhydrous ammonia on the soil.


MycorrPlus-A is a highly concentrated organic bio-stimulant that can help with all of the above. The more aggressively you transform your soil, the more quickly you can see the above benefits. Here are your application options: for corn


Application Guidelines

When Using Liquid Nitrogen

MycorrPlus is compatable with 28% and 32% nitrogen, and may be mixed with 28% or 32% and applied. Add MycorrPlus to the tank first, add any water you will be using, then add your nitrogen.

MycorrPlus-A binds nitrogen to the soil, thus helping to prevent it from wicking off or leaching out. Because of this, many farmers will cut back their nitrogen by 30%, and have found that they still have the same amount of nitrogen available to the plant.

Never mix MycorrPlus with phosphorus or potassium. One farmer mixed it with his 10-34-0 and it gelled in the tank - what a mess that was! We advise that MycorrPlus not be mixed with any chemical fertilizer, with the exception of liquid nitrogen.

  1. Our top priority in applying MycorrPlus is to apply one quart MycorrPlus-A in the row, on the seed (in furrow). MycorrPlus is an incredible germinator, plus this application helps to develop larger root structures. Almost as good is to apply the quart of MycorrPlus-A under the seed.
  2. If you are side-dressing with 28% or 32%, our second priority is to add a quart of MycorrPlus-A in with your nitrogen, then to possibly cut back on your nitrogen by 30%. Mixing MycorrPlus-A with your nitrogen helps to bind the nitrogen to the soil, which can help to keep it from leaching or wicking off.
    This application may be applied with a sprayer or put on through the sprinkler (or applied with the plane if applied just before a rain).
  3. Third in priority for this year's crop is to apply a top-dress/foliar application of two quarts MycorrPlus-F at tassel, 10 gal./acre tank mix.
  4. Third in priority for overall soil health would be to apply one to two quarts per acre after your last chemical applicaiton for this corn crop. Generally it is best to wait 3 or more days after this last chemical application to apply the MycorrPlus-A. If your last applicaiton is 28% or 32%, then mix the MycorrPlus in with your nitrogen.
    This application may also be put on in the fall after harvest. However, getting it on earlier will give it more opportunity to transform your soil in preparation for next year's crop.

Application Guidelines

When Using Anhydrous Ammonia

Anhydrous ammonia is very damaging to the soil and to soil life. However, we recognize that it is substantially less expensive than other forms of nitrogen. We would love to see every farmer be able to transition to liquid nitrogen, but give these guidelines for those who are not yet ready to make this transition.

  1. Our top priority in applying MycorrPlus is to apply one quart MycorrPlus-A in the row, on the seed (in furrow). MycorrPlus is an incredible germinator, plus this application helps to develop larger root structures.
  2. Second in priority is to do our best to negate the harmful effects of anhydrous ammonia. To do this, we want to apply one to two quarts per acre two weeks or more after the anhydrous application. This applicaiton may be applied with a sprayer or put on through the sprinkler (or applied with a plane if done just before a rain).
  3. Third in priority, a top-dress/foliar application of two quarts MycorrPlus-F may be put out at tassel, 10 gal./acre tank mix.


Application Guidelines

For Organic/Biological Growers

  1. Our top priority in applying MycorrPlus-O is to apply one quart MycorrPlus-O in the row, on the seed (in furrow), if you have that capability. MycorrPlus is an incredible germinator, plus this application helps to develop larger root structures.
    If in the row, on the seed is not possible, another option is to band the product over the row after planting.
    A third option is to broadcast a quart per acre or put it on using irrigation and then cultivate it over the row.
    A fourth option, if in the row or banding is not possible, is to broadcast two quarts of MycorrPlus-O (or A for non-certified farmers) in early spring or at planting. The longer MycorrPlus-A has to do its work before planting time, the better. Apply with a 20-40 gallon tank mix per acre.
  2. Second in priority, a top-dress/foliar application of 3 quarts MycorrPlus-O-F (or two quarts MycorrPlus-F for non-organically certified growers) may be put out at tassel, 10 gal./acre tank mix.
  3. Finally, MycorrPlus-O (or MycorrPlus-A for non-organically certified growers) can be applied in the summer, fall or winter to begin working in the soil for next year's growing season.



Why Use MycorrPlus for Corn?

MycorrPlus stimulates beneficial aerobic bacteria and mycorrhizal fungi. Our microbes highly structure the soil, taking out compaction and hardpan, while improving moisture retention.

  1. When MycorrPlus-A is mixed with liquid nitrogen, it helps to bind it to the soil so that it doesn't leach out or wick off. Adding it to your 28% or 32% gives you the option of cutting back 30% on that nitrogen application. Whenever possible, add MycorrPlus to the tank first, then add your nitrogen.
  2. The best way to save on fertilizer is to fully utilize microorganisms in the soil. Our microbes help to free up phosphorus and potassium already in the soil. As more P and K become available in your soil, a soil test will reveal just how little phosphorus and potassium is still needed. You save a ton on fertilizer! NEVER mix MycorrPlus with P or K, as it may cause it to turn to a gell.
  3. MycorrPlus helps to remove compaction and hardpan. The microbes use the sugars secreted by the plant as gums and glues to bind soil particles together, creating air spaces and bringing structure to the soil, helping to eliminate compaction and hardpan.
  4. MycorrPlus contains nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Close to 80% of the air we breathe is nitrogen. As MycorrPlus opens the way for air to flow down into the soil, the nitrogen fixing bacteria contained in MycorrPlus help to fix that nitrogen into the soil. Then other microbes make it available to the plant.
    It takes 4 or 5 months for this to begin making a substantial difference. The deeper MycorrPlus-A structures the soil, the more nitrogen that is produced.
  5. Our bacteria break down the chemicals and toxins that inhibit beneficial microbes.
  6. Our bacteria remediate salts that inhibit soil life, flushing them away from the root zone.
  7. The soil becomes an ideal growing environment, as aerobic bacteria, fungi and beneficial nematodes displace anaerobic bacteria and root-eating nematodes.

Click here to view lab tests that demonstrate the ability of MycorrPlus-A to free up tied up nutrients in the soil, turning them into available plant food.

MycorrPlus also helps with the following:

  • Quickly builds organic matter in the soil
  • Accelerates seed germination
  • Balances pH by balancing nutrients in the soil

Does all this sound too good to be true? Watch what some of our customers have to say.

MycorrPlus is very well balanced, containing the following:

  • GroPal, a sea mineral concentrate
  • Humic & fulvic acids
  • Fish and kelp
  • Molasses



Do one of the following today:

  • Call 1-888-588-3139 to speak to a soil health consultant

  • Email us at

  • Read an article by Dr. Christine Jones and let it inspire you with the possibilities

  • Purchase MycorrPlus


Apply MycorrPlus as soon as
possible for better corn production.



