Ocean Trace is a fertilizer from the ocean.
Proposed Benefits of Sea Minerals
Many soils have been reduced to a meager 12 to
20 trace minerals.
This results in:
cell wall linings
Greater susceptibility to
disease and pests
Lower nutritional value
Lower test weights
Shorter shelf life
Poorer yields.
The Answer?
Ocean, where
God has placed the 90 natural elements
in soluble form, and in perfect balance.
what happens when we use sunlight to
reduce ocean water down to a 1% liquid
concentrate? Almost 99% of the
sodium and 90% of the chloride
crystallize and fall out of solution.
Sodium exits, trace minerals stay!!!
result? Up to 100 times the ocean
minerals may be foliar feed in a single
application without burning!
MycorrPlus combines this goodness of
Ocean Trace with Soil Balance, which
takes Ocean Trace to a whole new level!
you can give your crops the trace
nutrients they need!
Getting trace minerals
back into the plant makes for a
healthier plant, which may result in
lower insect pressure and disease.
However, the greatest impact of trace
minerals is in nutrient density and the
incredible flavor that comes along with
A friend has been giving his 80 year old
neighbor squash from his garden for
years. After fortifying his garden
with Ocean Trace, he shared his squash
with her. Her comment: “I
know squash, and this is the best
tasting squash I have ever had”.
Another woman, after tasting tomatoes
from a garden rich in our trace
minerals, commented: “I haven’t
tasted a tomato like this since I was a
little girl”. Trace minerals
really do make a difference in
nutrition, and in taste.
“If a soil is like a mine with its
myriad of elements, then whenever man
tills it, plants, crops and in other
ways engages in farming, he is for all
practical purposes engaged in the
business of mining. Like a miner, the
farmer breaks the earth with digging
tools, but instead of dynamite, he
plants seeds to loosen the minerals and
elements from their holding matrix. And
finally, he carts away his minerals in
the form of food rather than ore.”
Sea Energy Agriculture
Dr. Maynard Murray
It is amazing that God caused the 90
elements in the ocean to occur in
practically the same proportions as in
both blood plasma and chlorophyll (plant
“blood”). Human plasma is ¼
strength sea water! Trace elements
are vital to both plant and animal
health. Without them, plants are
easy targets for insects and disease,
and can not reach their full potential.
Where will these elements come from if
chemical Ag replaces only 3 to 6?
Sea Energy
Agriculture, by
Maynard Murray, MD.
2nd Edition,
copyright 2003, Acres USA.
Pg. 28
The most important contribution to high
farm yields and continuous plant
production was the practice of replacing
the major elements for a plant’s
nutritional needs in the soil and
fortifying them with heavy doses of
nitrates. Thus, soil production
was maintained and even increased in
spite of starving the soil of vital
trace elements necessary for the
sustenance of healthy life.
99. Plants
then may take up abnormal proportions of
other elements to make up for the
deficiencies in trace elements,
(and) crops begin to lose their
nutritional value.
Using Ocean Trace™ for
animal drinking water
Ocean Trace™ minerals
(minerals listed are not a guaranteed analysis)
PPM of Ocean Water
AG-USA - Helping you to
Grow Healthy and Nutritious Crops
Trace Elements are
Important to Animals and Man
Farming: bringing nutrients back into balance
At AG-USA, we have combined the
goodness of Ocean Trace with a wonderful product
called Soil Balance. The new product, MycorrPlus, does a wonderful job of keeping our
Ocean Trace minerals from being tied up in the
soil, and it also helps with uptake of Ocean
Trace by the plant.
It is for that reason that we now
MycorrPlus instead of Ocean Trace for plant
Of course, there are other uses
for Ocean Trace, including
structuring swimming
pool water, or adding it to
livestock drinking water, so below is a link where you
may purchase it by itself.
Purchase Ocean Trace
Food Quality & Health: The
Carey Reams Approach by Jon Frank February 2006,
Acres U.S.A.
Don Jansen Sea Mineral Story
Fertility from the Ocean
Deep by Charles Walters
Sea Energy Agriculture
by Dr. Maynard Murray
The Miracle of Minerals
by Albert E. Carter
What The Bible Says About
Minerals for the Genetic
Code by Charles Walters (from
Dr. Richard Olree's research)